Monday, May 12, 2008

On to Plan B

Due to some safety concerns in Pennsylvania (from humans, not bears), I've decided to go to Plan B. So far, Plan B consists of volunteering with an AT trail club in NC while doing some shorter backpacking trips between volunteer days, and then heading back up to Vermont in early June to pick right back up with my original itenerary. It's not quite what I had imagined, but if there's one thing I learned from working at NOAA, it's being prepared to work with alternative plans. For now, I'm glad to be safe, and I'm looking forward to seeing both southern and northern states in Spring.

Some beautiful/amazing things in WV/MD/PA:

1) wildflowers in almost every color of the rainbow
2) blooming dogwood trees
3) lots of ducks, 3 snakes, 3 deer, a rabbit, and an unidentifiable large rodent
4) a room that was part of the Underground Railroad


Kristine and Jason said...

Oh, dear! Please be careful!! I'm glad you'll be with some other folks for a while, but still keep a careful eye out.

Emily Therese said...

Hi Liza,
Hope that you are having fun with your Plan B approach! Have you been christened with a trail name yet, or does Plan B preclude having a different name?

celeste said...

Love your pictures. Looks like your enjoying nature in all it's glory. Sorry that you had to change plans but I know you always go with the flow. We're looking forward to visiting your Mom and Dad this week end. Still planning to come to Charleston soon? Be careful. We love you.

Anonymous said...

Lizaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! You are the topic of many of our inter-cube conversations. (And we are really curious about what human concerns might be.....). Give us some more to talk about!!!

We miss you!


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures! Give us more. The other day there was a huge storm here, and I was wondering how you were faring. With a big roof under you, now let it rain!
from your upstairs neighbor. And if cecile is talking 'bout you, i haven't heard a thing :)

Anonymous said...

LJ - I recently learned that scientists consider flexibility a key factor in determining a creature's intelligence. Keep rollin' with the punches, you're a genius!
Take care out there :)